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Poor Evangelicals!

A manipulation story
Manipulation means influencing or directing people to a different direction than their own information and desires..
You can see a wide variety of manipulations in history and today. But you can hardly come across the manipulation that American Evangelists are exposed to.
Until the reformation days, Christians would not see Jews as human beings, but as enemies. The Christians made them all kinds of insults and deprived them of fundamental human rights. How have these Christians become Jewish lovers?
I think this was a transformation of the crypto Jews (marranos), who appeared to be Christian, in Christianity.
Poor Evangelicals: They see the future of their own religion in the glory of a competing religion.
Poor Evangelicals: Jesus Christ, whom they consider to be God, needs the Jews, whom they believe to have killed Him, in order to come to earth again.
Poor Evangelicals: They believe that the Jews who caused Jesus to die and rise to the heaven, would bring Him down again.
Poor Evangelicals: They were made to apologize to those who killed Jesus Christ whom they saw as God, saying, "We apologize to you for persecuting you for centuries." They even went further, saying "We are grateful to you." "If you were not, we could not be." So, they were indebted to the Jews.
Through this manipulation, the Jews have been freed from the pressures of Christians. Moreover, they have become able to benefit from all kinds of material and incorporeal benefits of Christians.
How many times can such manipulation in the past be seen?
I have said “Poor Evangelicals”. They are really poor. I do not manipulate :)

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